Remember Me
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing tuition assistance, mentoring and tutoring services to help build a path to success for students in financial need from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.
Learn about our history, the scholars and the Guardian Angel Society difference. It’s been quite a journey!
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In 1997, Father Champlin founded the Guardian Angel Society, to assist children in the CNY area from diverse, below poverty level homes with their education.
Meet the team that strives to ensure that father’s children receive a quality education based on a strong set of values.
Meet the Team
Father Joseph Champlin established the Guardian Angel Society to encourage students to strive for high school graduation and beyond with support including tuition assistance, mentor relationships and tutor services.
Financial burdens never stand in the way of a child’s desire for a good education made possible by our tuition scholarships.
Equipping students with the tools for lifelong learning such as confidence and goal setting along with helping build English, Math and Science skills.
About the Society
Father Champlin
Our Staff & Board of Directors
LouAnn Christo Chairman
Michele Sardinia Vice Chairman
James Kearns Board Secretary
Angelica Clements
Terence Wynne
Sarah Ioele, Founding Board Chair
W. Dennis Owen In Loving Memory
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