“I commit my time to helping the youth in our community because they are our future.”
“Such sharing of one’s wealth makes for contented hearts.”
“Love basically means giving, being unselfish, thinking of another or others, instead of oneself.”
“My hope is to become a lawyer to help people. At first, I thought this was too much for me but Ms. Tammi (my mentor) told me I can do it. Father Champlin used to tell us to put our minds to what we want. The Guardian Angel Society makes me feel more confident in life.”
“I am not hesitant to follow my dreams, with the help of the Guardian Angel Society giving me a little push.”
“The funds help us give these kids a chance at life, a way out of poverty and the possibility of being productive members of the community.”
“Without you, many of our students would not get the great education we deserve.”
“I look back and realize that I didn’t belong at any other school than here and I am so grateful to have had this experience to better my Catholic education.”
“Helping one another even in the simple ways brings joy to the helper and to the one being helped.”
“Serving others both helps those in need and creates contented hearts in those who are serving.”
“A student finally solves a math problem and experiences the joy and serenity of experiencing truth.”
Two decades ago, Father Joseph Champlin realized that too many children in need were not graduating from high school. He desperately wanted to find a way to stop the cycle of poverty by helping these kids receive a quality education based on a strong set of values. In 1997, he started the Guardian Angel Society to raise funds for tuition assistance to allow children to attend Cathedral School and to provide mentor relationships for the young children so they would enjoy academic and social success.
Beginning in 1997, Father Champlin envisioned, hoped and prayed for a sanctuary for so many children – an oasis where they feel safe, loved and accepted. At the Cathedral School, he made that happen and began serving his kids in downtown Syracuse. In 2006, the school merged to form the Cathedral Academy at Pompei. And, as CAP closed it’s doors in 2024, two others opened to welcome our Guardian Angel Scholars with open arms. We are grateful that Most Holy Rosary and Blessed Sacrament Schools, in the city of Syracuse, are the new home where our Father’s kids will continue their path to a catholic education and Destination Graduation.
From their 6th grade graduation, many students will choose to continue on to attend Bishop Grimes Prep, Bishop Ludden or Christion Brothers Academy (CBA). Father ensured scholarships would be available – as we still do close to 30 years later – to those families in need up until the kids’ high school graduation.
To date, well over 300 students, some from Kindergarten all the way through twelfth grade, have been helped with tuition aid support made possible by generous donations from community members. Father Champlin’s Guardian Angel Society is a domestic Trust whose only sources of income are donations and grants.
Guardian Angel Society scholars represent a very diverse population. Many scholars hail from economically challenged refugee families. Because these students face more difficulties than others, their ability to succeed in junior high school can be compromised. With intervention, studies show that these “at risk” students will stay in school.
Despite the everyday challenges these families face, these parents strongly desire their children to receive a quality education and, as they have said, “to give the children the best chance for success and to build strong faith and values…”
When the Guardian Angel Society began, Father Champlin recruited a dedicated group of 40 community volunteers who provided one-on-one mentoring for the students at Cathedral School. Father’s vision produced a model program; students were well prepared for junior high and high school. In recent years, the Mentor & Tutor Program was expanded to support students in the junior and senior high schools as well. Today, many mentors choose to continue to support their mentees through high school.
Guardian Angel Society scholars have graduation rates that exceed the 2014 NYS Education Department published graduation rate of 48.8% for the Syracuse City School District.
Guardian Angel Society scholars have gone on to fine colleges and universities such as Georgetown, Notre Dame, Clarkson, Pittsburgh, Syracuse Universities, Le Moyne College and Onondaga Community College, to name a few.
The first Guardian Angel Society scholars have now graduated from college and are establishing successful careers, starting families and contributing to the community. Many of them have become Guardian Angel Society donors as well; a true testament to their gratitude for the support they received
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